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| Baseball Card Checklist Matthew Joseph Boone |
This checklist is complete and includes all of Matt's known cards through 1999. There may be cards missing from the list after 1999. If you collect cards and know of any that are missing from this list, please e-mail the webmistress. This list was compiled and produced by the webmistress, and currently represents 6 known cards.
(Click on the card number to view a scanned image of the card in a new window.)
CARD # |
1999 |
19 |
Multi-Ad Sports |
W. Michigan Whitecaps |
1999 |
3 |
Multi-Ad Sports Update |
W. Michigan Whitecaps |
1999 |
12 |
Multi-Ad Sports Update |
W. Michigan Whitecaps |
2000 |
2 |
Lakeland Tigers Multi-Ad |
Lakeland Tigers |
2000 |
18 |
Bowman Draft Picks |
Lakeland Tigers |
2000 |
18 |
Bowman Chrome Draft Picks |
Lakeland Tigers |
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