Boone Fans Message Board! :-)
Due to the large amount of discussion taking place in the guestbook, I decided it would be a good idea to add a discussion board to the website! This is the place to ask a question or share some news relating to the Boones. All comments are welcome; just, please, be kind to one another - and let's keep it "clean"! (Board will automatically reject messages which contain swear words; and if you manage to get one past the filter, I'll edit or delete your message myself... It's my board, and that's my rule.) The only other requirement is that your message be Boone or baseball related; so, let's have fun, people! And, *GO BRET!!!!*
It's come to my attention that a few people are having trouble submitting their info. to my guestbook or message board. (Particularly AOL users.) If this happens to you, please send me an e-mail and I'll do what I can to help get your info. posted! Thanks!